Commission on Trial Court 表演 and 问责制


权威:  AOSC24-47PDF下载

The Commission was established in 2002 for the purpose of proposing policies and procedures on matters related to the efficient and effective functioning of Florida’s trial courts, through the development of comprehensive performance measurement, 资源管理, 问责制项目.


  • 尊敬的戴安娜·L. Moreland (Chair), Chief Judge, Twelfth Judicial Circuit
  • Mr. Matthew Benefiel, Trial Court Administrator, Ninth Judicial Circuit
  • 尊敬的蒂娜·L. 卡拉巴洛,橙县法官
  • Ms. Barbara Dawicke, Trial Court Administrator, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit
  • 尊敬的D. 梅丽莎·迪斯勒,弗拉格勒县法官
  • 尊敬的Bonnie J. 赫尔姆斯,第十六巡回法院首席法官
  • 尊敬的Jennifer J. 约翰逊,迪克西县法官
  • 尊敬的杰森·琼斯,里昂县法官
  • The Honorable Christopher Kelly, Circuit Judge, Seventh Judicial Circuit
  • 伊丽莎白·A阁下. 梅茨格,第十九司法巡回法院巡回法官
  • 尊敬的Tara P. 帕拉克,李县法官
  • 克里斯托弗·N阁下. 帕特森,第十四巡回法院首席法官
  • The Honorable Frances Perrone, County Judge, Hillsborough County
  • Mr. Michael Reeves, Trial Court Administrator, Eighth Judicial Circuit
  • 尊敬的Nushin G. 赛菲,第十一司法巡回法院首席法官
  • The Honorable Michelle Sisco, Circuit Judge, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
  • 尊敬的威廉·F. 斯通,第一司法巡回法院巡回法官
  • 最高法院联络员:尊敬的杰米·R. Grosshans 



For more reports from the Commission on Trial Court 表演 and 问责制, go to the 出版物页面.


2007年8月, the Supreme Court approved the creation of the 法院统计及工作量委员会, under the Commission on Trial Court 表演 and 问责制. This is a permanent Committee of circuit and county court judges, 初审法院行政人员, general magistrates and hearing officers that oversees issues pertaining to the Summary Reporting System, 统一数据报告制度, 以及所有其他审判法庭数据收集系统. 除了, it is responsible for addressing future data needs and workload related policy level questions. Click here for more information about the 法院统计及工作量委员会.


The Commission on Trial Court 表演 and 问责制 (TCP&A)创造了这个综合的 online compendium of all standards of operation and best practices approved by the Supreme Court for elements of the trial courts. The compendium is organized by trial court element or topical area. 除了 to the standards of operation and best practices, links are provided to applicable TCP&A reports, statutes, court rules, and other useful resources.

